Thursday, May 21, 2009

Geeky Celebrations

This has been another one of those weeks that seems to be going by really fast. I have been in the middle of several projects, some for the school, most for the station. I'll go over more about those next week. I hope to also get an interview or two for possible teaching job for this fall. We shall see.

Also, it is a time for alot of celebration. My boss got engaged and had her birthday this month, so we will have a party for her on Friday. I am not in charge of the planning, just had to give money to it. Also, one of my station boss, the IRC Reppadin, Pusser, had her birthday today. I didn't know what to make of her at first, but when I got to know her, I realized she is a bigger geek then I am, which is good to know that women out there are just as geeky as us guys, makes me happy, but scared for the human race. ;) Also, Emperor, won the shoutcast contest that blizzard had. We are all hoping to find out the EU one to see if TB also won. I never got a chance to hear his, so I don't know, but if I know TB, he should at least place.

I am also having a cookie cake for my Student Aides for all the work they put in to making this a good year. I've watch them grow up over the years, it seems like only yesterday I first meet them as a Sub. Its make me hopeful and feel old at the same time.

Anyway, until next time. The world is crazy, try not to end up in the nuthouse. Trust me, I'm a doctor. ;)

Friday, May 15, 2009

The View from the Cheap Seats

Well, the year here at the school is rapidly coming to a close. The amount of activity in my office had gone up daily, along with my work load. Students are trying to get out of doing things they need to. Teachers are trying to wrap-up the year and prepare for the summer break they hoped for. I watch as the life of the school goes by 1 period at a time. The flow of the students, the strange topics and the plans being made for when this school year is over.

The one constant I have noticed, is how many people seem to care about my future. I know I used to Sub here over the years, but this year its really touching to me how much other members of this faculty seem to care about my future and hope that I find what I am looking for, a class of my own. I thank them for that.

The event of the week, was when the IT department got ticked off at the teachers and students, by cutting off access to all websites that concern gaming and streaming radio and TV. Current events could suffer from the lack of streaming video access that teachers have now. Students might not be able to find fun ways to learn lessons, and what will teachers do with their free time after school, except work in silence.

As for my gaming life this week, its been mostly alot of WoW, with some EvE as well, mostly training my learning skills in EvE to make other skills easier to learn. In WoW, I got a few more achievements done, most with the Agrent Tourney going on and got the Spore people in Outland done as well, very cute little bat pet. I even got to go raid naxx this week, it had been about a month since my last visit, so it was good to pick up raiding again with friends.

It is only 2 weeks till my Seniors graduate from High School. I am filled with great joy and the feeling I feel old. This will be the 4th year I've seen Students of mine walk, and it never gets easier to to see it, but it is always good to see the ones you worried about through out the years go across with a smile on their face. I will get usually 1-5 thank yous a year as a teacher for all I've given to students and everything thing else, but i find those thank yous to be the greatest gift my students can ever give me.

Until we meet again, remember, the experiences we have shape who we are, the more we learn and know, the better shaped we are. have fun and take care.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Hallmark Holidays

This Sunday is Mother's Day. I would like to wish all the Moms a happy Mother's Day and hope you get nice things and enjoy a quiet evening. But, as some of you know, I work for a Hallmark store when I'm not at the School. This week is one of the busiest weeks in the company. Besides ornaments, Mother's Day is one of the biggest card holidays in this country. So 14 hours days between the 2 jobs is slowing making my days a little bit hard to make it through. So I will be happy when next week when this false holiday is done.

I might work for Hallmark, but I don't like it the thought that you have to take a day to celebrate a person for just being a person. Everyday you should show someone like your love, your kids, teachers, Mom and Dad, the people you work with and your friends, that you care and enjoy them being there and like all the things you do.

This week also brought me to a challenge. I am being pulled in several directions by different people. I have projects I am working on for several different people, most out of game, but a few in game. I am currently working on my dailies for the Agrent Tourney and I have Champion with 3 of the 5 Alliance cities. And lots of reps to grind and old places to go, what can I say, I love the old world things and I am a bit of a completionist and love to see old content I have not seen and awhile. I hope to have the event finished by next week.

As for the station, I have been working for my two shows now for a few weeks and its been tons of fun. I hope to have my demo worked upon and set in again next week now that I think I know what the problem is, and hope to be on the road to hosting a show for the station so day. Until then, I will do what i can to help out the station.

Well, until next time, may your weeks be long and your hot dogs short......wait a minute, strike that, reverse it. Have fun and take care.