This has been another one of those weeks that seems to be going by really fast. I have been in the middle of several projects, some for the school, most for the station. I'll go over more about those next week. I hope to also get an interview or two for possible teaching job for this fall. We shall see.
Also, it is a time for alot of celebration. My boss got engaged and had her birthday this month, so we will have a party for her on Friday. I am not in charge of the planning, just had to give money to it. Also, one of my station boss, the IRC Reppadin, Pusser, had her birthday today. I didn't know what to make of her at first, but when I got to know her, I realized she is a bigger geek then I am, which is good to know that women out there are just as geeky as us guys, makes me happy, but scared for the human race. ;) Also, Emperor, won the shoutcast contest that blizzard had. We are all hoping to find out the EU one to see if TB also won. I never got a chance to hear his, so I don't know, but if I know TB, he should at least place.
I am also having a cookie cake for my Student Aides for all the work they put in to making this a good year. I've watch them grow up over the years, it seems like only yesterday I first meet them as a Sub. Its make me hopeful and feel old at the same time.
Anyway, until next time. The world is crazy, try not to end up in the nuthouse. Trust me, I'm a doctor. ;)
Woo hoo! Cookie cakes!