Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Books close while others appear

Sorry for the delay in posting, its been a busy few weeks. I'll go down the list.


So finally wrapped up last week with the amount of textbook that appeared top be unbelievable. Thousands of books that have not seen the light of day for months had to make their way back to my office. I got help from alot of people and for that I am grateful, however, a trio were in my office, as they had been sent to help. After they left, I spent my afternoon trying to get my office in order. It was then i discovered that the trust I had given them, had be willfully disregarded and spit upon. My Ipod, that had been charging, was stolen and the ear-buds as well. Now the value of this Ipod was not much, it was the fact that my mother had given it to me as a birthday gift the year after I had moved away from home. She had gotten it with my name engraved upon it. I am currently taking steps to get them arrested or have my property returned to me, but i don't hold out much hope. They are idiots, which i found humorous, in the fact they forgot the cord that connects the device to the computer and also charges it. Its nice to know that, even when life takes a big dump on you, you can still find humor in it.


We had the Blue Plz! Anniversary show, the secret project I was helping to create. Queen Eriyanna did a wonderful job and pulled it off really well. I also had to say good bye to some friends, as Kexman and Almighty Farseer left the station and closed their show down, because of various Real life issues. Those two are the reason I became a rep for the station and also help to spur me along in my development of various show I have in the works for demos, my Wow-style classroom with TaurenTom and the This is RP which has several of us from the Essence of Essence of RP talking about all forms of RP. Anyway, I produced a 22 min segment for the guys in order to say good bye. It turned out really well, the feed back makes me want to try and do more for the station.
The station is also having a donation drive to so they can raise funds for this year's Blizzcon coverage. I have been doing work for both sides where I can mostly for team nubcake, just so its a fair fight. My editing skills in cutting words together are really starting to scare people. After the last project, it was suggested to me, I might want to take a shoot at editing the old PUG show that had not been put up on the achieves. So that will be my project for the next 2 weeks. Just waiting on TB to send me the files to begin. I am enter into various contests to win tickets to Blizzcon, but at this point, if I won one, I don't know if I would go to the Con or give it to the station so that another staff member could go.


My life has been pretty quiet, I am still hunting for a teaching job, but no real prospects anywhere I look. I am still trying to clean up my place getting ready for my family who is coming to see when, when they are down here for a wedding later this month. What I am seeing alot more is the need as a guide. I am finding myself more and more a listener and counselor to people I know. I sometimes wonder if I would have been better off as a Shrink then a Teacher, but I enjoy both alot. It saddens me that that life is getting unhappy for some, but also gives me great joy to see other doing well or finding that special someone.

Anyway, time for me to sign off and prepare for a meeting, but until next time, remember it isn't always the things you say that your remembered for, but the actions you did or the words unspoken. Have fun and take care.


  1. School: Thank the spirits the year is over.
    Station: You are a cruel bastard Shan'do.
    Life: Hey, we need counselors too Shan'do.

    Thero'shan, NNJ

  2. This is why you have to take everything in strides. The three will most likely be in jail before the end of next year, they say you mess up atleast 20 things during a crime before you even realize it. I'll bet one of them forgot a notebook with their name on it somewhere.

    As for the station, project time is fun, and you do an excellent job of making funny little speeches for the teams.

    Life? What can I say... stuff ends, new things begin.


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