Monday, September 28, 2009

Life's little curve ball

It has been awhile since my last time here. I figured I'd give you an update since its been awhile.

During the first week of school, I passed out in my office and fell out of my chair and unto my head. I was ok, but I was scared to death. I have had theses issues before during the school year, but never this early in the year. After a long talk with my family, I made a change I had not made in 4 years, I had to quit my 2nd job at Hallmark. It saddened me that a part of my life that I had enjoyed and didn't get along with at the same time was coming to an end. I still did not know at the time why I had these issues, until I went to the doctor. After some tests, I find out I had high blood pressure, about 20 points higher than a normal human should. I am now on medicine for high blood pressure, I feel like I'm 50, but then again I shouldn't be surprised based upon the life I have lived. It is a hard adjustment to make, but one I am willing to try.

This school year has been quite a blast. I am finding i always something cooking to keep me busy. The new role I gained this year was that of ISS Aide, In-School Suspension. It has been quite the transition for me to get used to the style of teaching that must be used in there. I have to seem uncaring without being too much. However, the rules are simple and easy to follow. So, my job can be long and lonely at times, but I find a way to cope.

With more free time, I have been doing more work at the station then normal. I have even gotten into more of the production side of the station. It is interesting to learn more from the station and try and make the product better. The only thing I used I worry about is all the other stuff that goes with it. People are people and sometime I wish I wasn't always in the middle, but if not me, then who?

It time for me to move along with my day. I hope life treats you well and that all others will enjoy your company. May the grace of god protect you in all that you may do.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

High School Forever?

The summer is a good time to look back upon things from years past and the past months. So, it have been busy for me the last month.

The school year finally came to an end, along with my time at Humble High School. I had alot of fun there over the last 4 years. I meet alot of great people and I will miss alot of them. But, I started at a new school, Summer Creek High School, a few days later. The school likes amazing and is really big and long. The only knock against it is that it looks like a newly built prison from the Highway. I find that mildly amusing but, it is still funny. My new office is about twice the size of my old one. The people are pretty nice and the amount of insanity will be greater among the staff. :)

I made it through the begin of ornament season. I never understood the concept of Christmas in July, but then again, seeing people have those, wow looks on their faces, seems to make it a good idea, from a business stand point. However, seeing Christmas items out when its 100+ degrees outside is not something my brain is used to. My boss is also going away for a week next month, which means I'll be in charge, god help us all.

The rest of my time is usually spent working for Wcradio. The station is doing a donation drive to prepare for Blizzcon with is now less then a month away. It is pretty close with not alot of time remaining. I am not sure who will win, but it has been alot of fun helping both sides. I pick up yet another show to rep for, details to come. But, I also got into doin ad for the station now, working for Stormtamer. The VO work is alot of fun, so I look forward to doing more, but I am now just waiting to see it put together.

The rest of my life is basically sleeping and watch movies. I gone to the movies a few times this summer, and the times I go, it is really quiet. I was at a Wedding of an old friend a few weeks ago. It was a nice and beautiful event. I also have my 10 year High School Reunion in about 3 weeks. I can't believe its been 10 years. But, the thing I find more interesting is the treatment of people I've meet since High School. I have had at least 5 or 6 people say they are sorry for the way they treated me in High School. I have had a few dozen who have been really glad to see me, which is odd for some of them, seeing as they would not give me the time of day or cared if I ever talked to them during High School. Maybe its just me, but being as I got 35 more years of High School to come, it is interesting to see that people look at High School as a Bubble in their life. Inside it, you can do what you'd like, but outside of it, and as the years go by, it should not be held against you.

Anyway, I am off to work on more books, I hope ya'll take care and enjoy the rest of your summer.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Books close while others appear

Sorry for the delay in posting, its been a busy few weeks. I'll go down the list.


So finally wrapped up last week with the amount of textbook that appeared top be unbelievable. Thousands of books that have not seen the light of day for months had to make their way back to my office. I got help from alot of people and for that I am grateful, however, a trio were in my office, as they had been sent to help. After they left, I spent my afternoon trying to get my office in order. It was then i discovered that the trust I had given them, had be willfully disregarded and spit upon. My Ipod, that had been charging, was stolen and the ear-buds as well. Now the value of this Ipod was not much, it was the fact that my mother had given it to me as a birthday gift the year after I had moved away from home. She had gotten it with my name engraved upon it. I am currently taking steps to get them arrested or have my property returned to me, but i don't hold out much hope. They are idiots, which i found humorous, in the fact they forgot the cord that connects the device to the computer and also charges it. Its nice to know that, even when life takes a big dump on you, you can still find humor in it.


We had the Blue Plz! Anniversary show, the secret project I was helping to create. Queen Eriyanna did a wonderful job and pulled it off really well. I also had to say good bye to some friends, as Kexman and Almighty Farseer left the station and closed their show down, because of various Real life issues. Those two are the reason I became a rep for the station and also help to spur me along in my development of various show I have in the works for demos, my Wow-style classroom with TaurenTom and the This is RP which has several of us from the Essence of Essence of RP talking about all forms of RP. Anyway, I produced a 22 min segment for the guys in order to say good bye. It turned out really well, the feed back makes me want to try and do more for the station.
The station is also having a donation drive to so they can raise funds for this year's Blizzcon coverage. I have been doing work for both sides where I can mostly for team nubcake, just so its a fair fight. My editing skills in cutting words together are really starting to scare people. After the last project, it was suggested to me, I might want to take a shoot at editing the old PUG show that had not been put up on the achieves. So that will be my project for the next 2 weeks. Just waiting on TB to send me the files to begin. I am enter into various contests to win tickets to Blizzcon, but at this point, if I won one, I don't know if I would go to the Con or give it to the station so that another staff member could go.


My life has been pretty quiet, I am still hunting for a teaching job, but no real prospects anywhere I look. I am still trying to clean up my place getting ready for my family who is coming to see when, when they are down here for a wedding later this month. What I am seeing alot more is the need as a guide. I am finding myself more and more a listener and counselor to people I know. I sometimes wonder if I would have been better off as a Shrink then a Teacher, but I enjoy both alot. It saddens me that that life is getting unhappy for some, but also gives me great joy to see other doing well or finding that special someone.

Anyway, time for me to sign off and prepare for a meeting, but until next time, remember it isn't always the things you say that your remembered for, but the actions you did or the words unspoken. Have fun and take care.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Geeky Celebrations

This has been another one of those weeks that seems to be going by really fast. I have been in the middle of several projects, some for the school, most for the station. I'll go over more about those next week. I hope to also get an interview or two for possible teaching job for this fall. We shall see.

Also, it is a time for alot of celebration. My boss got engaged and had her birthday this month, so we will have a party for her on Friday. I am not in charge of the planning, just had to give money to it. Also, one of my station boss, the IRC Reppadin, Pusser, had her birthday today. I didn't know what to make of her at first, but when I got to know her, I realized she is a bigger geek then I am, which is good to know that women out there are just as geeky as us guys, makes me happy, but scared for the human race. ;) Also, Emperor, won the shoutcast contest that blizzard had. We are all hoping to find out the EU one to see if TB also won. I never got a chance to hear his, so I don't know, but if I know TB, he should at least place.

I am also having a cookie cake for my Student Aides for all the work they put in to making this a good year. I've watch them grow up over the years, it seems like only yesterday I first meet them as a Sub. Its make me hopeful and feel old at the same time.

Anyway, until next time. The world is crazy, try not to end up in the nuthouse. Trust me, I'm a doctor. ;)

Friday, May 15, 2009

The View from the Cheap Seats

Well, the year here at the school is rapidly coming to a close. The amount of activity in my office had gone up daily, along with my work load. Students are trying to get out of doing things they need to. Teachers are trying to wrap-up the year and prepare for the summer break they hoped for. I watch as the life of the school goes by 1 period at a time. The flow of the students, the strange topics and the plans being made for when this school year is over.

The one constant I have noticed, is how many people seem to care about my future. I know I used to Sub here over the years, but this year its really touching to me how much other members of this faculty seem to care about my future and hope that I find what I am looking for, a class of my own. I thank them for that.

The event of the week, was when the IT department got ticked off at the teachers and students, by cutting off access to all websites that concern gaming and streaming radio and TV. Current events could suffer from the lack of streaming video access that teachers have now. Students might not be able to find fun ways to learn lessons, and what will teachers do with their free time after school, except work in silence.

As for my gaming life this week, its been mostly alot of WoW, with some EvE as well, mostly training my learning skills in EvE to make other skills easier to learn. In WoW, I got a few more achievements done, most with the Agrent Tourney going on and got the Spore people in Outland done as well, very cute little bat pet. I even got to go raid naxx this week, it had been about a month since my last visit, so it was good to pick up raiding again with friends.

It is only 2 weeks till my Seniors graduate from High School. I am filled with great joy and the feeling I feel old. This will be the 4th year I've seen Students of mine walk, and it never gets easier to to see it, but it is always good to see the ones you worried about through out the years go across with a smile on their face. I will get usually 1-5 thank yous a year as a teacher for all I've given to students and everything thing else, but i find those thank yous to be the greatest gift my students can ever give me.

Until we meet again, remember, the experiences we have shape who we are, the more we learn and know, the better shaped we are. have fun and take care.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Hallmark Holidays

This Sunday is Mother's Day. I would like to wish all the Moms a happy Mother's Day and hope you get nice things and enjoy a quiet evening. But, as some of you know, I work for a Hallmark store when I'm not at the School. This week is one of the busiest weeks in the company. Besides ornaments, Mother's Day is one of the biggest card holidays in this country. So 14 hours days between the 2 jobs is slowing making my days a little bit hard to make it through. So I will be happy when next week when this false holiday is done.

I might work for Hallmark, but I don't like it the thought that you have to take a day to celebrate a person for just being a person. Everyday you should show someone like your love, your kids, teachers, Mom and Dad, the people you work with and your friends, that you care and enjoy them being there and like all the things you do.

This week also brought me to a challenge. I am being pulled in several directions by different people. I have projects I am working on for several different people, most out of game, but a few in game. I am currently working on my dailies for the Agrent Tourney and I have Champion with 3 of the 5 Alliance cities. And lots of reps to grind and old places to go, what can I say, I love the old world things and I am a bit of a completionist and love to see old content I have not seen and awhile. I hope to have the event finished by next week.

As for the station, I have been working for my two shows now for a few weeks and its been tons of fun. I hope to have my demo worked upon and set in again next week now that I think I know what the problem is, and hope to be on the road to hosting a show for the station so day. Until then, I will do what i can to help out the station.

Well, until next time, may your weeks be long and your hot dogs short......wait a minute, strike that, reverse it. Have fun and take care.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Its the time, of the season for hunting....a job.

Well, tomorrow is my school district's job fair and I did not get an invite. For the 2nd year in a row. I don't know if this on purpose or its is a sign for me, but all in all its the time for me to prepare for the job fairs that are to come. I am in interesting position in the fact that I have a job for the fall as a bookroom clerk for our new high school. However, after actually got to teach school last summer and i can't let it go. I will find a job as a teacher, even if it kills me.

On my other fronts, me and my buddy, Taurentom, made some changes to our demo for the radio show we are trying to do. Its a show to help wow players better learn how this game works. I think it can work, but I have to prove it to the staff of the station that the two of us can do it and be interesting. I don't want to give up on the project, I think we got a shoot at it, just have to keep at it.

We finish doing state testing today. I spent the week as a hall monitor and then I got the be a tester for our 9th graders. I must say, nothing I find more boring the being a bathroom monitor to high schoolers during an important test is amount to treating them like 2nd graders. I feel bad for the students especially for our 11th graders who this could mean if they get to graduate next year or not. The results also heavily impact the funds and the view of the school to the whole state.

Anyway, I wish everyone the best and hope for a pleasant evening.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Facing Eharmony

I have been a member of the dating website, now for almost 18 months. I have learn alot of people and myself in that time period.

1. The human face is the best feature of a person.
I think I have looked at profiles for over 1000 people over the last 18 months. I look at the faces and see the beauty that is there within. Also, that i is the only human physical feature that holds any real meaning to me. Through the face are the mouth, the ears, the eyes, and the brain. The mouth is the doorway to the thoughts of a human being and the place where joy can begin. The ears are the highway where thoughts and dreams are given to one another and shared. The eyes, where the soul of humanity is visible and allows others to see the true person within. And the Brain, the one place I hope and pray is working for each and every person who has one/

I know this seems like sentimental mush, but I think that human faces are the only feature I really have to know about know. I can live with the rest of the body, but the face is there and you will see it everyday for the rest of your life, if you can love that face, then how can you see the expression of humanity that are contained within.

2. I apparently have a thing for teachers?!
What I found was that most of the time, I was being matched with people who were also teachers. Now, don' get me wrong, I see beautiful and wonderful people in my profession everyday, but does that mean that's all I want? I know people from the same industry often get together, but I look at my family and I don't see it. I find it interesting to talk to people from different walks of life and enjoy hearing about their lives. Teachers as friends is great, but to be married to one when i am one, I am not sure if that is what I want in my life or not. It does not count against someone, until I decided on it one way or another.

3. Keeping up with it.
I reached the match limit today of 540 possible matches. What!? I sometimes find the whole process overwhelming to the point I just want to say, Screw it, I'll be a monk. I find I spend more time cleaning out the matches box then actually reading the profiles. To Date: I have closed 730 matches from other people in 18 months. I am closing about 2 matches a day, if I checked it everyday. I see why people like the bar more then online dating, quicker responses.

4. I'm still here
Still is the strange conclusion I've reached, I am still here and I am going to keep trying. I know my life is a little nuts, but the choice to give up and not even try looking makes me remember one of the reasons I am looking, I am tried of letting life decide for me. It is better to try and fail then to watch the game and say its terrible without any experience with it. Anyway, enough with my reflection. its late and I have a show to rep tomorrow.

Until next time, May the dreams you seek be joyful and wondrous....or at least interesting.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The drama llama and famous on the Internets

Well, this weekend went by faster then I thought it would. Which isn't all bad, but I could always wish it was longer.

Sunday, brought about a visit form my least favor creature, the Drama Llama. My guild had come to a decision. About a month ago, we agreed top merge with another guild. Well, after doing 25 man content with them for awhile, the mood had changed. You see our guild is a group of casual raiders who value the game for its social aspects more then its raiding and gear parts, and the guild we had merged with was changing to a more hardcore raiding style mind set that was getting to take the fun out of the game for most of us.

Well, we went to 25 man OS do take down the Dragon, when the GM of the guild we merged with broke a rule we had during raids, do not display damage meters, and then proceeded to "suggest" what the patch had done for us. My GM pointed out the rules and reminded him about it, the Gm was in the process of apologizing, when one our our members was tell him that that was a after raid topic and to call out members during a run did not help the raid. Then, one of the raiders from the other guild said, "Well, if you don't like them being posted, then leave." And the it started, the member who it was told to said, Fine, and the Gquit. Followed by one of the officers and top healers, said it was uncalled for. And the exiting began.

Our GM, stayed in their Vent for about 25 mins and took everything they had to dish out at him. We prepared to do a 10 man OS and began insulting each other left and right, and laughing really hard, so i was a riot. I think that's what we all needed. That guild we left had some really good people in it, but their philosophy did not mesh with ours. i wish them the best and hop for their future success.

On the school front, I am finishing up a 6000 paper mail out for parents about textbooks, finals, state testing, and book fines today. it will be mailed out this afternoon, and I wish i could take a day off to sleep, but i can't I have 2nd job to do tomorrow, and they don't like it when I work one and not the other in the same day when I'm scheduled. Its also hiring season in my profession, teaching. So I am putting together apps for various schools around the area in order to get a better shot at teaching.

This week also saw the my helping out at the station deepen. I was given the chance to show what I can do by becoming the IRC rep for Blue Plz! Which is one of the top shows on the station. I must say, I am scared top death at the idea, but I know that I have alot of work ahead, but I know it will be fun. Plus, since I no money to send the station, this is my small way of helping them out.

Finally, this past week end saw the return of my best friend Gege. I had not heard from her in several months. She and I have been friends for 10years. we meet in a chatroom, senior year of High School. Our friendship is odd to describe, but I think its best to say we have a level of trust that I have a hard time finding in other people. It is truly a wonderful thing. I can only hope to hear from her again so, and miss her like I would miss a family member.

Well, that's it for now, until next time, Have fun, take care, and sweet dreams.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Folding in my time

You ever had one of those days where you have to say, "Well that's, X amount of time, of my life I'm never getting back." Well, I had that moment this morning. I came in earlier to head over to the School District Admin Building in order to use what is called a Folding Machine. Its purpose is to do all the folding you need to put items into letter sized envelopes. Well, I had 6000 sheets of page i had to fold and hardly anyone knew how to use the machine.

So while the first 2000 sheets were being folding into the traditional Tri-fold. I was doing what men are said to never do, I read the manual for the machine. I read the entire English section of said book and figured out a host of new things I could do to cut my time short there and get the job done. Until the machine asked for a password that no one knew. So, as I look through it again, I read a small footnote said, oh and this is the password you need to edit jobs.... What?! The password no one knew is in black and white on the back cover? Figures :)

Well, I get my job done and take everything out to the Car and head back to school. I look at my watch as I walk back to my office, 12:15pm. I spent 3 1/2 hour of my life, folding paper? Sometimes, I hate my job.

Anyway, on the WoW front, the new patch has had a whole lot to do and alot of things to see. Last night, however, I was called to a meeting. My RP guild, the Chillwhisper Scourge, of Wrymsrest Accord NA, had an officers meeting which I was required to attend. Turns out we a meeting with another guild to Cause more Chaos, The Kinderd. The meeting was alot of fun and the character I played was a Teacher of the Light Dranei who had fallen to the Lich King and come back as one of his Death Knights. I must say, that was alot of fun and a good time had by all.

Anyway, I'm off to work 2, Hallmark, my manager called and asked me to come in early b/c she is over her hours, and I could always use more. So, until next time. Have hunting and good winds.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Back at it, too much paper

Well, after my weekend, it is back to the world of education. However, when I go back to the school, I found out that paperwork waited me. 2000 copies to do and a 2000 page report for me to print off. It took several hours, but all in all, its over and I am somehow still awake. lord know how, but I am.

Today is what we call patch day in WoW. it is a day when a new content patch is give to us with lots of shiny new things, most of which I won't see, but there will still be plenty for me to do. I can't wait. My guild worries me a bit, but that's another subject for another day.

I did work on my apartment some over the weekend, i see my floor again, and with a little time, will be able to get around to mopping it. the dishes are starting to annoy me greatly. But, i will get them all, some how.

Well, I'll take off for now, but, I am currently trying to look for a friend of I call Gege. I have not heard from her for some time and it worries me. I pray she and her son are ok, friends like her are hard to find and even harder to replace.

Oh, one other thing, I found this online today and thought it was funny and a little bit scary.

Until next time, have fun and take care.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

2 days of nothing

Well, I have 2 days off and nothing to do. So, I am trying to come up with things to do.

Several ideas:
1. Work on my EvE character and actually start helping to corp out some more.
2. Play one of my favorite games, Colonization
3. Play my main in WoW, and do some rep grinds and work on a few achievements
4. Do an all day marathon of Gundam Wing and Outlaw Star
5. Clean up my apartment, the least likely option.:)
6. Watch a few movies
7. Work on my demo for the station, which i just need feed back from the 3 high chiefs of the station and hop for the best.
8. nothing, which usually always happens

So, with 2 free days, I have plenty to do.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The gifts from Teaching

This is a copy of a speech I give my seniors when they graduate from High School. Let me know what you think.

My gifts to you


As a teacher, I have witnessed the effect teachers have on people is not always limited to just that year or even just the subjects we teach. As the year goes by, I have given you gifts that are not physical in nature, but often are more valuable than anything I could ever give you. Each gift makes up what it means to be a human being and how to act in this crazy often-illogical world. These gifts individually will make you a better person, worker, family member or friend. But put together like pieces of a puzzles will make you the human being you are meant to be.

I know that after you leave these walls and venture out into the real world, each gift will enable you to live each day to its fullest and experience all the good this world has to offer, as well as maximize your potential in the business world. Whether it is your own business or a corporation you work for, each one allows you to make yourself into anything you want to become.

This knowledge I pass to you was given life from a letter and a blog a friend of mine wrote about what her teacher thought was important to people and what makes them themselves and not a shell of what they could have been. The choice to use these gifts is not mine, but yours and yours alone. The great Roman Philosopher, Seneca, wrote to someone that “The spirit in which a thing is given determines that in which the debt is acknowledged; it’s the intention, not the face-value of the gift, that’s weighed.” At face value, these things do not seem like much, but as time goes by, their value will be understood.

My first gift: Your own mistakes

The author of The Phantom Tollbooth, Norton Juster, wrote “”you must never feel badly about making mistakes,” explained Reason quietly, “as long as you take the trouble to learn from them. For you often learn more by being wrong for the right reasons than you doing right for the wrong reason.”” The gift I give to you is of your own making, your mistakes. Mistakes are instants where you have done either something that was not the right decision or one where the results are things that you did not wish or intended to happen. There are assignments, tests, projects, behaviors or words said that are incorrect or make things worse, but each one is your own. They say something about you and your character. I know that I have lived a good life, so far, and it is populated by more mistakes than there are grains of sand at the beach. Nevertheless, I learned from someone that mistakes are often the best teachers of life and each one is a lesson in how things are and can be. To learn from ones own mistakes is not a new concept to most people, but to learn from them and actually do something with that knowledge is sorely lacking in this world. When you use your mistakes to better yourself and others, you are often more compassionate, caring, kind, thoughtful and live life to its fullest.

My second Gift: Integrity

When writing, The Turquoise Lament, its author, John D. Macdonald, stated, “Integrity is not a conditional word. It does not blow in the wind or change with the weather. It is your inner image of yourself, and if you look in there and see a man who won’t cheat, then you know he never will.” According to Webster’s Dictionary, Integrity is firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values, the quality or state of being complete or undivided. Its said that Honesty and Integrity go hand in hand, but not always. Honest is not always for others benefit, these are the “Jerry Springer” type confessions. There are times when honest is there not just to tell the truth, but facing the consequences that the light of the honesty will bring.

“Thane own self be true.” This is where the world is often its most cruel and corrupting. Integrity is often what makes up our own self-image and core values. Without it, we are a drift on a sea where the wind of others is directing us where we go, who we are and what we believe. Enron is an example of what happens when greed destroys people’s integrity, and sends us in direction that can sink many good ships for the benefit of a few. Integrity can often have a loneliness to it that makes it hard for your decision to seem like the right one, even if you know it is. It is the next gift I give you that usually helps people keep their integrity intact.

My third gift: Courage

“One isn’t necessarily born with courage,” Maya Angelou once said. “But one is born with potential. Without courage, we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency. We can’t be kind, true, merciful, generous or honest.” My next gift to you is the same one the wizard gave the lion, courage. I know some of you are thinking, “I have courage, I’m brave”. Well, Courage is not the same as bravery. Bravery is the art of facing danger; this is usually what we see in war zones or in some parts of American cities where urban violence mirrors that of war zones. Bravery often does not need to have Courage to be useful. Soldiers who fight in wars often show bravery in the face of danger, but not always courage. Courage is the art of facing fears or to fear yourself and to do what you believe in spite of it. The fear of death is always in the air on the battlefield or in a war zone. A soldier that has courage will not just fight, but will also risk his own life to run in and pull their friend out of harms way. Everyday of your life is filled with a fear of some type; failure, acceptance, phobias, the truth, and the thing the people often fear the most, themselves. Without courage, so many things are not possible. As Ms. Angelou said, “those things are not possible with out courage”. The gift of integrity is not possible to maintain without the help of courage, the courage to stand up for what you believe in. If you have courage, you can achieve anything.

What can be achieved with courage? Samuel Smile answered, “It’s not enough to have a dream, unless you’re willing to pursue it. It’s not enough to know what’s right, Unless you’re strong enough to do it. It’s not enough to learn the truth, Unless you also learn the live it. It’s not enough to reach for love, Unless you care enough to give it. Men who resolved to find a way for themselves will always find opportunities enough; and if they do not find them, they will make them.” What can you achieve with courage?

My fourth gift: Real Freedom

During his term in office, President Ronald Reagan once proclaimed, “Freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to people. Those who have known freedom, and then lost it, have never known it again.” Freedom seems an odd gift to give you, but this is the type of freedom that is essential to everyone and to the United States of America. It is the freedom of the unpopular, Real Freedom. The type of freedom to say something that is viewed as unpopular or insane and not to be punished for it or the act of doing something in protest and not being arrested. The fact that someone has an opinion that is different from yours and their right to have it. Thomas Jefferson wrote to a friend, “I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small degree of it.” The real freedom of America is to be different, to think different and to know its ok to be this way. It seems that some people believe that a perceived threat is enough to scale back our own freedoms just for the sake of safety. The gift of real freedom should never be taken away, but treasured and taken care of like a small child. For it was Ben Franklin who wrote, “Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

My fifth gift: Listening

Listen to the mustn’ts, child.
Listen to the don’ts.
Listen to the shouldn’t, the impossibles, the won’ts
Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me.
Anything can happen, child
Anything can be.
Shel Silverstein

The gift I bestow upon you is one that we as teachers often tell students they need to do, to listen. The world is a fast moving place and if you don’t stop and listen to it, you’ll miss something good. Human beings have ears; however, a lot of us seldom know how to use them. The last time you talked to someone, were you really listening to them or listening to the way you were going to answer them. The art of listening is a position that most people do not like to be in, because, when you’re listening, I mean really listening to someone, you’re putting everything in this world on hold just for them. It is often a very submissive and taxing process to hear what the person is saying, they way they are saying it and why they are saying it. Sometimes you could be listening to the most boring friend’s story or problem you have ever heard in your life, but the longer you listen, the more of them and the world opens up to you. A good listener is often the friend you trust the most, because you know that they will “hear” everything you are saying and not saying. They will, in turn, respond with thoughts that have had time to comprehend it or will just sit there and let you speak for a time, when it’s not the words that are important, but the time they are giving to you. In the business world, clients are asked why they often choose to do business with the same people on a regular basis, from doctors and lawyers to sales people and homebuilders or even the person that does your flowers. The biggest single response from them is, “They listen to what I have to say” or “he really heard what I had to say and helped me to achieve it.” To listen to someone, is often to profit from it, whether it be financially or personally, it pays to listen.

My sixth gift: Laughter

The great 19th century writer, Mark Twain, claimed, “[Humanity] has unquestionably one really effective weapon – laughter. Power, money, persuasion, supplication, persecution – these can lift at a colossal humbug – push it a little – weaken it a little, century by century; but only laughter can blow it to rags and atoms at a blast. Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand.” My personal favorite gift to hand out to people is the gift of laughter. There are times when people just need to laugh in order to make it through the day. Studies have been conducted by major universities on the healing power of laughter. The fact that laugher can make you feel good, even in a time of tremendous pain and sorrow; it is a wonderful coping mechanism. When you are hurting and a friend comes by to see you, what do they usually try to get you to do, laugh. Laughter can often brighten any room. When people start to laugh, don’t they often feel better, more refreshed, awake and alive. Without laughter, the world would seem to be a dark and sad place to be. I have come to believe that a day without laughter was never really a true day at all. But, always remember, the best jokes are the ones only you can understand.

My seventh gift: Emotion

In an interview in the men’s magazine, Playboy, the founding philosopher of Objectivism, Ayn Rand stated, “An emotion is an automatic response, an automatic effect of man’s value premises. An effect, not a cause. There is no necessary clash, no dichotomy between man’s reason and his emotion- provided he observes their proper relationship. A rational man knows- or makes it a point to discover- the source of his emotions, the basic premises from which they come; if his premises are wrong, he corrects them. He never acts on emotions for which he cannot account, the meaning of which he does not understand. In appraising a situation, he knows why he reacts as he does and whether he is right. He has no inner conflicts, his mind and his emotions are integrated, his consciousness is in prefect harmony. His emotions are not his enemies; they are his means of enjoying life. But they are not his guide; the guide is his mind. The relationship cannot be reversed, however. If a man takes his emotions as the cause and his mind as their passive effect, if he is guided by his emotions and uses his mind only to rationalize or justify them somehow- then he is acting immorally, he is condemning himself to misery, failure, defeat, and he will achieve nothing but destruction- his own and that of others.” Your own emotions are the next gift I pass on to you. Emotions are meant to be expressed. It is often the lack of this expression of emotions that can lead people to do terrible things. It is ok to cry, to laugh, to smile, to love, to fear, to be surprised or to be emotional. Emotions are the essence of humanity. Each expression is a look into our very selves, a window into our soul. Let the emotion out, or they will overflow into areas of your life you don’t intent or want them too. When these types of feelings appear in your life, they often are no longer useful or helpful, but destructive to you and those around you. Emotions are what make life worth living; the thrill of a game winning score, the happiness of your first child, the excitement of sky-diving, the joy of you wedding, the crying over the death of someone you care for, the rush of a rollercoaster, the courage to be emotional after a tough lose, and the final gift I bestow upon you.

My last gift: Anger

The author of The Dance of Anger, Harriet Lerner says that when is comes to anger, “Anger is a signal, and one worth listening to.” I know it is an odd final gift to give you, but I give you the gift of anger. Anger is neither good nor bad in and of itself; it is what is done with this angry that shapes it into being. Angry can be a powerful ally in any struggle you come across, often you never hear a person’s true feelings on a subject until they are angry about it. This kind of angry can be channeled into something, passion.

Passion to do right, to succeed at a task or to do something to change the world, angry is often the source behind change. The famous civil rights leader, Malcolm X proclaimed, “Usually when people are sad, they don’t do anything. They just cry over their condition. But when they get angry, they bring about change.” This is what can happen when anger is channeled and reshaped into passion. If we learn to control and to reshape it, then we can learn to do great things and make the world a better place for everyone. Anger is a powerful gift and must be used wisely. We are not Jedi, but the dark side of anger is a path we must learn to avoid. Anger, when used with all the other gifts, can make life interesting.


Each of these gifts alone are wonderful things to have and to use, but together they allow us to great things, to become great people or to just live the kind of life we want to live. The writer, Denis Watley, wrote, “The reason most people never reach their goals is that they don’t define them, or ever seriously consider them as believable or achievable. Winners can tell you where they are going, what they plan to do along the way, and who will be sharing the adventure with them.” Goals are what we strive to achieve, we all have goals, some small; marriage, a good job, children, to graduate from school or to get out of here while you still can. Other goals are big or worldwide; to be president, start a company and become the next Ebay or Google, go to Mars, make your community a safe and happy place to live, discover a cure for things like AIDS or cancer or to just make the world a better place. All these things start with these 8 simple gifts given to you by your schools, teachers, family, friends, and community.

Now to the reason I know a lot of you are thinking, Why should we care? This is your world, it will be your world for a lot longer than I’m going to be around. I want you to be able to enjoy it, take care of it, leave this a better place for your children and most importantly, I want you to be happy. Each gift is a personal gift from me to you. I want you to be ready for this life and to find yourself in it. I may be older than you, and also be your teacher, but it doesn’t mean I can’t hope for the best of you. Taking responsibly for one’s mistakes and learning from them helps improve your integrity, your integrity is built from your courage for your own values, your courage is gained from your personal freedom, freedom enables you to be heard or to just sit and listen, listening often brings about laughter, laughter is an expression of your emotions, you express your emotions in order to use them, like when you use your anger in order to fix something, like your own mistakes. Each gift is connected to the other. These together build a circle that allows you to live a life a joy and happiness. Remember, as the Great Britain’s Prime Minster, Winston Churchill once said, “We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.”

Life's little crazies

I have a blog for my story of my tauren druid, which is on the back burner. But I have not had a personal blog for a while. So I figured, I might as well.

This has been an interesting week. I am a High School Social Studies teacher. However, what I did not say is I can not find a teaching position. I took a job at the school, in Humble, TX, as the Bookroom Clerk. The time out of the classroom is a slow and painful process that eats at you, like a professional chef not about to cook for a living. There is hope with the new hiring season beginning, but we will see. My second job, has cut my hours, so now I am in a bind. It might be time for my to find a 3rd job. Time will tell.

On the WoW front, I got my Epic Fishing pole and Penguin for exhaulted with the Tuskra. I also got into a 25 man Naxx run with my guild, 9pmraiders. I got a cloak and then used my badges to buy a new epic ring. My boomkin is happier now for it. I also belong to Duncorp in EVE Online. I don't get to do much with the rest, but i have my fun in the channel mostly. I upgraded to a Destroyer this week, because my fighting frigate got blown up during a mission. But, I find my fun where I can.

This week was also the week I got two bits of news from the Internet radio station I listen to, Its a station that is about World of Warcraft. I was asked to become an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) Rep, I am the one in the chat channel spamming things and trying to keep order in the chaos that is the station IRC. The show I rep for is the Essence or RP Mondays starting a 1pm EST. The show is about Roleplaying in WoW. Hosted by Almighty Farseer and the Kexman. Two great people so it will be a lot of fun. I also heard back from TB, Totalbiscuit, the station owner about a demo that I and TaurenTom put together. He heard it, I am just waiting for what he thought about it. I have send it to various people around the IRC and people on the station for feedback and I hope that when we record a second one, it turns out better and we get on, but I can hope.

Anyway, back to school work, more student fines to collect. I wish you all a safe and happy Easter weekend.
